If you have worries, that the products you ordered will not be of desirable quality, we offer four phases of product quality inspection before shipping from China. Inspection will be done by our inspector according to specifications agreed in advance. Using this service you can be absolutely sure that the product will meet your requirements. Dealing with imperfections after receiving the delivery is costly and lengthy.

Our office is located directly in China, in one of the biggest industrial centers, the city of Guangzhou in southern China, close to Hong Kong. Thanks to that, we are always ready for inspection directly at the spot. Not only in China, but also in neighbouring countries like Vietnam, Taiwan or Indonesia. We prefer more personal way of approaching clients, we communicate in czech, english and chinese so it’s never problem for us to talk in language that is most convenient for the client as well as for the supplier. Inspector fills you in with details about the course of inspection.


1. Pre-production inspection

Discovers what kind of material or components will be used for production. This eliminates the risk of non-standard material being used in the very beginning of production process.

2. Manufacturing process inspection

Systematic inspection of randomly chosen pieces of product or their parts according to your specifications and criteria. This inspection will help you mantain the quality standard of your products.

3. Product inspection

Quality check of the final product with everything that belongs to it. This type of control usually takes place after finishing more than 80% of total production.

4. Loading inspection

If you are interested in our Quality check services, you can  contact on phone number
+420 739 719 638 (Europe) / +86 131 2932 4537 (China).

We would be happy to meet you in person, and discuss your case.

+420 724 702 976

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